How to Resolve an Argument with Your Partner

Alejandra Rodríguez
3 min readAug 21, 2024
Photo by: Keira Burton on Pexels

When was the last time you had an argument with your partner? How did you handle it? Did you win?

How to resolve an argument with your partner is a question most people ponder at some point. It’s a very daunting task, especially for men who are dating women. Women have the reputation of being argumentative, and men often feel like they have little choice but to either give the silent treatment or argue and add fuel to the fire.

Whether it’s true that women are argumentative, the fact is it is very tempting to argue with our partners, especially when we feel the issue is serious.

But just how should we resolve arguments with our partners? Is winning even the point?

Stay calm, especially when you’re both angry

It’s hard to fight fire with fire. If you feel the tensions are high, keep your emotions low or agree to take a break until everyone is calm. You may follow the 2-day rule if the argument is getting worse — this means giving each other space for 2 days. This is so you can have time to cool down and not so you can sweep the issues under the rug.

Sometimes things can be best said in silence.

Set your ego aside

Acknowledging wrongdoing and accepting each other’s faults may also help to solve a conflict. Learn to take responsibility for your mistakes and don’t be afraid to apologize.

Saying you’re sorry is a very powerful balm for healing wounds in the relationship. No one is perfect. Sometimes we can’t control ourselves and we utter hurtful words when we are angry.

If you commit mistakes and hurt someone, make amends and apologize immediately. It’s easier to eat crow while it’s still warm, as the saying goes.

Listen to each other’s side and talk about the resolution

Listening is a must.

Listening is an act of respect. When you listen to your partner, you show them that you respect their thoughts and opinions. Don’t hesitate to ask what’s bothering them and be open about how you truly feel.

Listening to each other’s side also enables you to help each other find a resolution to the conflict that both of you will agree on. Being honest with each other will help you know what to avoid and how to prevent the conflict from happening again.

Are arguments even worth having?

The surprising answer is yes. Sometimes, anyway.

If an argument paves a way to make something better for the relationship, it’s worth it.

If arguing means things can go back to normal afterwards, then it’s worth having.

Arguments can sometimes be necessary. At times, you can’t get through conflicts without them. It can be healthy for couples to air their sides in order to come up with a better resolution.

It’s still on how couples interact with each other. It depends on each of you, and whether you know how to resolve an argument with your partner that makes the situation either bad or good.



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