Top 3 Manipulative Traits Men Exhibit That Women Hate
If you are looking for a potential mate and you are already at the infancy stage of wooing, you need to put your best foot forward. One of the keys to putting your best foot forward is giving her the respect she is due and that involves never crossing the line.
Women don’t find it amusing if you insult them or make unsolicited remarks about their appearance and most especially if you manipulate them.
Sometimes, in the early stages of courtship, men tend to exhibit traits that do more harm than good to their potential mates.
If you want to earn her sweet yes, here are three manipulative traits you should avoid.
It is one of the most common methods of manipulation.
The target of gaslighting is to make the other person feel uncertain about their perceptions of the world and may even begin to wonder if they are losing their sanity. It is a covert form of emotional abuse where the bully or abuser deceives the target by fabricating a false narrative and making them question their judgments and reality.
Situations where you dismiss her concerns with “it’s all in your mind,” “that’s not what I did,” and “you’re imagining things” are clear indications of employing this toxic trait.
If you are truly interested in winning her, don’t make her doubt what reality is. Don’t use her psychological vulnerability to your advantage. Acknowledge her feelings. Guide her to the truth. Don’t revise her truth because you want to control her psyche.
The chaser often employs tricks to make the chased person feel guilty. This manipulative technique aims to make the woman choose you out of pity and sympathy.
In most cases of guilt-tripping, abusers suggest that the victim “owes” them. As a result, victims feel sorrow and guilt and would most likely give in to the advances or ulterior motives of the abuser.
Scenarios where you devise yourself to be in a passively disadvantaged situation are forms of guilt-tripping. Statements such as “I sacrificed everything for you,” “Without you I would die,” and “I don’t deserve to be your boyfriend, I should be alone forever” are great examples of this scheme.
Relationships function well if you are transparent with your actions. Don’t make her feel as if she is indebted to you for taking care of her or giving her gifts. It’s your choice. Don’t let her pay emotionally for it.
It is within the bounds of human nature to discuss something you are passionate about. But oversharing and explaining everything to your potential mate is dangerous.
Mansplaining is simply a combination of “man” and “explaining.” Abusers often use this technique to make their victims feel that they need them and that they are too naive for the world. This also means explaining something to a woman in a condescending, overconfident, and oversimplified manner.
This manipulative trait is shown when you are lecturing your potential mate as if she were your student. Phrases such as “you should learn more about this sport,” “this book is about feminism, you should read it because feminism is…” and the list goes on.
Never assume that the girl you are talking to is a dumb infant. She is a grown woman and bet you, she could be smarter than you. Avoid making her feel intellectually inferior. Always treat her as an equal.
Winning a potential mate is a feat most men long for, don’t lose her by your overtalking, sad boy vibe, and dismissive attitude. Instead, woo her with compliments, lend her your ears, and acknowledge her vast knowledge.
This way, you will easily turn into her boyfriend in the next few days.