“I’m single and 37 years old. What should I do?”

Alejandra Rodríguez
1 min read3 days ago
Photo by Julien L on Unsplash

Don’t take being single as a bad thing. Instead, see it as an opportunity for personal growth.

Reflect on yourself. Ask yourself why you’re still single. Are you looking for a partner? And if so, what are you looking for in that partner?

You might also want to prioritize self-care. Look after your physical, emotional, and mental wellness. Hang out with your friends. Engage in your hobbies. Basically, build a good life that can make room for romance but isn’t dependent on it.

There’s nothing wrong with being single. Embrace the phase that you’re in and make the best of it while still being open to what could happen.

Originally published on Quora

