Is She Using Me? Watch Out for These Signs in a Relationship

Have you ever gotten the feeling that something may be off in your relationship?

Alejandra Rodríguez
3 min readApr 14, 2024


A man crying.
Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

“Is she using me?”

To the men who have their suspicions,

You might think you’re crazy for asking why the woman you adore would decide to take advantage of you.

I know you have strong feelings for her, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t using you. As difficult as it may be to consider such an accusation, it is a possibility. And you have to know if it’s true!

Look for signs that she is using you for personal gain. Come on, haven’t you noticed that whatever you do is never truly enough for her?

How to Tell If Someone Is Using You

You Are Merely an Option, Not a Priority

“Is she using me?”

Well, ask yourself if you feel she will only engage with you if she has no other options. When you ask her to spend time with you, she might go on a whim and tell you she is busy or has other plans when she clearly doesn’t have any.

Simply put, you will never be her priority, and she’s only using you.

Are you still not convinced? Let’s say she made plans with you, so you got excited and prepared the whole day, even making reservations at a fancy restaurant and renting an expensive car to impress her. But at the last minute, she bailed on you.

Sounds familiar?

You deserve more than this; you deserve to be a priority.

You Pay For Everything

When you eventually get to go out with her, you end up paying for everything, and she doesn’t even look at the tab.

She might even let you pay for her daily needs like electricity, wifi, water, and food by manipulating you or in exchange for her time.

While it’s your responsibility to pay for the date’s needs occasionally, you should remember that you and your partner should always be on equal footing. A relationship is never one-sided.

If you’ve paid for everything from the beginning, it’s clear that she’s only using you for your money.

She Doesn’t Care for Your Needs

Whenever you’re feeling down or stressed, you need someone to be there and be your shoulder to cry on. But alas, your girlfriend is unavailable — and she never will be.

She’s quick to call you when it comes to fulfilling her needs, but never for yours.

When, at some point in your relationship, your instincts point out some signs that she is using you, you must leave her immediately.

But why is she using me? What could her motive be? Well, it depends. Maybe she likes her love with a budget? Or perhaps you smell like light, gas, water, electricity, and rent?

Regardless, trust me when I say there’s no point in staying in such a toxic environment. A healthy and happy relationship should always make you feel content.

It’s sad to let things go, but it’s for the better. Don’t let this minor setback affect your thoughts on love. Instead, have faith that you will find the right person.



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