Yes, Muscular Men Are More Attractive and Women Want Them!

But it is not for reasons you might think

Alejandra Rodríguez
3 min readApr 9, 2024
A man doing a bicep curl.
Photo by Maksim Zhashkevych on Unsplash

Do women like muscular men?

Yes! So, you better rep in more curls if you want to get girls.

However, our desires have less to do with the temptations of the flesh.

Women aren’t attracted to big muscles in the same way men like women with big breasts. While they look good, they don’t really scream “long-term relationship.” After all, if you take the principles out of these muscular men, you’re left with a domineering and volatile hunk of meat.

In this sense, the muscles are only a bonus; it’s the desirable traits that come with having them that women are after.

A Fit Lifestyle Promotes Positive Traits

Being physically fit often leads to being a better man.

Confidence, well-being, discipline, endurance, and stamina are the key results of training that separate muscular men from average men. By lifting weights and cultivating a healthy lifestyle, you can achieve this.

What Women Think When They See a Man with a Physique

1. He Doesn’t Need Me to Take Care of Himself

Your potential match isn’t going to be your potential mom. You are not a broken toy she needs to fix to make you happy; you are your own man with problems that only you can resolve.

In the end, being jacked isn’t about your ability to lift weights from point A to B; it’s about overcoming the heavy load you set yourself up on to be a better man.

2. He Can Last Longer…in My Life

In other words, you can live longer and remain healthy even when you reach old age.

Women live much longer than men in almost every part of the world. A study in 2021 shows that, on average, the life expectancy of a man is only 68.4 years compared with that of women, who have a life expectancy of 73.8 years.

Fortunately, if you’ve been taking care of yourself and lifting weights, you’re not part of the average.

Also, you want someone to stay by your side while you’re in your 60s, right? Women do so as well.

3. If You’re Serious Enough to Go Through This, You Can Be Serious with Me

Consistency and discipline are the bread and butter of making serious gains. Oddly enough, it’s also the hallmark of achieving a long-term relationship.

It isn’t easy to build muscle; it takes years to carve yourself out. It’s tedious, time-consuming, and hard work. Muscular men regularly go to the gym, follow a strict diet, and strive to let go of vices. That’s why women get attracted fairly quickly to muscular men with such dedication.

You might think that, even though women see traits beyond 160 pounds of muscle, why should you suffer at the gym when there are other things you can do to grab their affection? Can’t you just charm them with sweet words or your nice personality?

To answer your question, here is a short quote that I think will ease your mind:

“Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor.”

-Alexis Carrel-


Dattani, Saloni, and Lucas Rodés. 2023. “Why do women live longer than men?” Our World in Data.



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