How to Healthily Get Over Your Ex
Before you do anything, don’t use a rebound.
It’s hard to get over a breakup, yes, but you don’t need a replacement to feel better about yourself. Just because you’re hurting doesn’t mean you should drag someone else into it.
A breakup can destroy someone’s self-worth. At best, you’ll be able to reflect on what made the relationship sink and become a better person. At worst, you’ll overthink about your mistakes and obsess over your ex.
Start easy when trying to get over your ex. Here are steps you can take to help you move on as quickly as possible:
1. Remove everything that reminds you of your ex
Get rid of all the things your ex gave you. Anything that reminds you of them needs to go away so you don’t risk triggering strong emotions.
You need a fresh start. If you have to, literally burn some pictures. When break-ups are fairly recent, it can be really easy to spiral into a breakdown. There’s also the risk of going down memory lane, which will only make you miss them more.
Let’s be safe and erase any proof that your ex was even in your life — not out of spite, but because it’s so you can move on.
2. Get off social media for a while
You are bound to run into your ex’s profile if you keep scrolling through your home feed. And even if you block them, social media itself can get you depressed. So get unhooked from all that endorphin-inducing scrolling. Stop making yourself miserable and get off social media. If you have to use your phone, do it for normal calls and messages. There are other apps that you can abuse instead, like YouTube.
If you don’t have much use for your phone, then don’t be on it as much. Limit your own access to the internet and focus on healing yourself. The internet is not the best place to heal a broken heart.
3. “Touch some grass”
This means go outside.
People have been on social media way too much over the past decade. They are even getting into relationships online. When something remotely interesting happens, everyone feels the need to post it for the world to see, and that’s not healthy.
Get out and do something. Go on a run, join clubs, participate in dances, acquire a new hobby– anything that can help your brain think about something else. You can even touch some actual grass if you want. The point here is that you are supposed to get some fresh air and spend more time outside.
4. Hit up some friends
Going through a heartbreak becomes easier if you have a support system. Instead of wallowing alone, contact some of your old friends and reunite. Rekindle some friendships, if you must.
Tell your friends about what you’re going through. More often than not, they can help you get over your heartache faster just by being there for you.
It’s natural to still love your ex. Don’t blame yourself for having these feelings. It is problematic if you only feel hatred for this person. So if you still have mixed feelings for them, don’t hate yourself for it. That’s normal because us humans have emotions that don’t always follow a linear path.
Forgive the past and forgive yourself. You can only really move on if you stop being angry at yourself for what happened.
In the end, you need to love and take care of yourself before you start loving someone else.