“Why have I never seen a poor guy with a hot girl?”
Because it depends on how you define “poor.” Do you mean homeless? Because if you think about it, the reason you don’t see poor guys with a hot girl is maybe because you don’t see the difference between poor, middle-class, or rich guys.
Sure, the rich guy drives cool cars, but you’ll never know if a guy is poor or not based on how he looks. Take the late Steve Jobs, for example. He was rich, but he used to dress like an average guy.
The problem is that we are too engrossed with stereotypes that we often find it hard to believe reality, such as the fact that not all hot girls are gold diggers who only date rich guys. That is why we sometimes ask ourselves this kind of question.
Rest assured, love has no boundaries, and not even heaven and earth (figuratively) can come between two people who are in love — let alone their financial situations.
Originally published on Quora