“Which is better? Getting married or staying single?”
I will admit that I sometimes miss the single life, but getting married is far better.
Although it was fun being single, I was doing things alone most of the time. Now that I’m married, I have someone special to share my time with and pick apart my brain to understand every crevice of it.
Yes, I had my friends and family, so I wasn’t lonely despite being alone. But having a more intimate partner changes your perspective on how to approach life. You tend to appreciate yourself more in a way you didn’t (my husband made me see that).
But it wasn’t all good.
I had difficulty juggling a relationship and having a personal life with a fulfilling career. I was drained 24/7 and barely had enough time for myself. That sucked, I will admit. But when I was at my lowest, my husband would always be there to help me get back up.
He was the anchor of my ship, the one to lean on, and the reason for my smile. I know things would have been much smoother if I had stayed single, but I don’t ever regret choosing love.
Originally published on Quora