“What are some tips on dating someone with children?”

Alejandra Rodríguez
2 min readJun 20, 2024
Photo by Elina Fairytale on Pexels

Dating someone who’s got kids is a unique experience. You’re going to need to be flexible, understanding, and patient. While every situation is unique, there are some things that can help you out when you find yourself potentially building a blended family;

  1. Communicate — Talk to your partner about their role as a parent and how it’s going to affect the two of you as a couple.
  2. Be flexible — Their kids are going to come first. If they have to cancel because they can’t find a babysitter or have to put another commitment over you, that’s just par for the course. Be flexible when it comes to their schedule.
  3. Take it slow — Don’t rush things. You’re not going to be a stepparent right away, so let things unfold naturally.
  4. Respect boundaries — If your partner has a co-parent, then you need to respect their boundaries and the relationship between them.
  5. Be interested in their kids — Be interested in developing a relationship with their kids. You may end up being a stepparent so you need to develop a good relationship with them and be patient with them.

Originally published on Quora

