“Why does America have the worst women in dating?”
I wouldn’t generalize all American women because there are still others out there that men would love to date. The problem with many American women today is that they are too liberated and they strive for individuality and empowerment too much. And we all know that too much of something is a bad thing. That’s why many American women are seen as mean, rude, and entitled.
Take for example picking up the bill on a date. While tradition dictates the man pay as it is the gentlemanly and chivalrous thing to do, many American women now find it demeaning. They think a man who pays for a date is undermining her financial capability, when the truth is, it is how a man shows his gratitude for her time. But of course, this is on a case-to-case basis.
Feminism may have warped the mentality of many American women. While I am all for gender equality, feminism in the US is taking it to the extreme. I wouldn’t say Americans are the worst women in dating, I just think foreign women are the better choice given today’s standards.
Originally published on Quora