Are You All Talk Yet Can’t Talk to Women?

“Blah blah blah”

Alejandra Rodríguez
3 min readMar 10, 2024
People partying.
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

See that picture? That’s you in the corner, losing your chances with women.

For someone with such a big mouth, you can’t muster the nerve to talk to women. What a joke.

You’re with your friends, hanging out, and just talking about women. Each of them thinks you’re a player. No one can blame them. You boast about how you can make your way with a woman whenever the opportunity presents itself.

But why not show them how it should go? You can’t? Cat got your tongue?

You’ve said too much when you haven’t said anything at all.

Over the years, you’ve portrayed yourself as some womanizer who can bring women to their knees. But no one has seen you try. You elaborately and carefully built a reputation to cover up how scared you are.

Well, it’s not too late to show them you have what it takes to talk to women. If you’re going to build a reputation, at least make it real.

But before we start, remember your name, put on some deodorant, fix your hair, and brush your teeth. And try not to pee yourself when a woman looks your way.

How to approach women

There are three rules:

Number one: Always keep your eyes locked on her. But don’t be creepy about it. Instead, remain subtle by giving her a few glances until you lock eyes.

The eyes never lie. And when you gaze upon hers and hers unto yours, it makes you look sincere and eager to have a conversation.

Number two: You don’t have to do anything dramatic; just smile. So, don’t even think about winking and giving her pointless finger guns. 😎👉👉

You’ll look stupid and lose your shot. Meanwhile, smiling during the heat of the moment can boost your chances with her.

And lastly, number three: Muster up the courage to approach her.

Keep your smile on and gracefully walk her way. Always maintain a confident stride, as body language is a significant factor in persuading someone that you’re worth talking to.

The actual game begins (talking to women)

You’re right in front of her. Now what?

When you talk to women, always introduce yourself first. Don’t just appear out of nowhere and ramble crazy things.

Instead, act like a gentleman and greet her. A simple “Hello, I’m __. It’s a pleasure to meet you” is enough.

But if you want to let your humor shine, a cheesy yet funny way to introduce yourself is, “I’m __. Charmed? I’m sure.”

Just remember to keep it simple and sweet.

When she responds and gives you her name, put your hand out and shake her hand. But don’t get flustered.

Now that you’ve gotten to know each other, find something in common to talk about. Bring up your interests, what type of music you listen to, or even what made you go to the venue in the first place.

If you can’t think about anything or can only keep talking about yourself, ask her what she likes and be genuinely interested.

Loosen up, make her laugh, and be intriguing and engaging. Show her that you know how to have a good time. For now, hold back on the heavy stuff. It’s way too soon for that kind of conversation.

Once you’ve gotten the hang of how to talk to women, the rest is up to you.



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