“What’s the most effective way to make myself more attractive to women?”
Romantic attraction is a complicated thing. There are no definite steps on how you can be more attractive to women, as I believe it’s a matter of personal taste.
Despite that, there are two things you can do to increase your chances of appearing attractive to a woman you’re interested in.
Be Confident — I find men especially attractive when they’re confident and know it. Very few men are born brimming with confidence, and let me tell you, they’re probably in a relationship right now.
Moreover, studies assert that women select their partners based on different factors, one of which is their ability to provide security. And because a confident man makes a woman feel safe and secure, he will always be considered much more attractive than all other men.
Improve Hygiene and Grooming Habits — As women, we all know that some men put minimal effort into their appearance. But, don’t you know that personal hygiene increases attraction levels?
No matter how handsome a guy is, if he stinks or looks disheveled, women will find him unappealing. In contrast, most women, like myself, are attracted to men who have a clean and neat appearance, the type who keep themselves smelling fresh all day. So, if you’re this kind of man, then consider yourself attractive enough.
Lastly, you may think otherwise, but you are attractive just as you are. For sure, you have qualities that women find praiseworthy. You just have to believe in yourself. Soon, you’ll be attracting the right person who will accept you for who you are.
Originally published on Quora