3 Tips for a Comfortable Date in Medellin
You never know who you’re going to meet when you’re traveling.
Some pretty Colombian woman might catch your eye. You might hit it off so well and end up asking her out on a date.
The problem is, you don’t know the ins and outs of Medellin just yet. Sure, you can ask her to show you around. But that isn’t the best course of action if you want to take the lead.
A lot of things can go wrong for you when you date abroad. If you’re planning to date in Medellin, you need to be fully prepared if you don’t want to spend half the time getting out of trouble.
To help you save face, here are a few key tips that can help you ensure your date goes well:
1. Be Familiar with Local Transportation
There are various modes of transportation in Medellin. Being familiar with all of them makes it easier for you to move around and not waste time. What’s more, you also get to discover new places that you can try with your date.
The most cost-effective mode of transportation in Medellin is the metro system. It runs like every other metro system — you buy a ticket at the metro system and you’re good to go.
You also have the Metrocable, a public transport system that runs on a lift. This gives you a panoramic view of the city. It takes about 20 minutes max to get to the next stop. It’s fast, reliable, and everything you want in a public transport.
But if you’re in a rush to get to your date, you can use a radio taxi. You just have to call in and a taxi will be sent over to pick you up. They’re a lot safer than the regular taxi, and you’re less likely to get cheated.
2. Bring Cash With You
Not all restaurants accept credit or debit. If you do plan on going cashless, make sure that the place you’re going to accepts your preferred method of payment.
You wouldn’t want your date to be held up over the bill. The worst-case scenario is your date having to foot the entire bill.
This doesn’t go very well with the women of Colombia. It’s standard practice for the man to foot the bill during dates, especially when they’re the ones asking the woman out in the first place.
Always bring enough cash to keep you covered. If you’re feeling generous, throw in some money for a tip. Colombians don’t usually tip in small restaurants so that bit depends on you.
3. Dress Appropriately
Looking your best is a requirement on dates. But you don’t have to sacrifice your comfort just to pull off a really cool look.
If the place where you’re going to has a dress code, then dress accordingly. But if it’s only a café or local restaurant that you’re going to, then you don’t need to go through your luggage for something decent to wear.
The weather in Medellin is quite nice — it isn’t too hot, nor is it too cold. At times you will experience heavy downpour, so it’s advisable that you keep an umbrella handy.
But don’t get too comfortable and just go out wearing flip-flops. Don’t go around wearing tank tops and shorts either.
Just make sure you look decent and presentable enough on the date. Dressing well is a sign that you’re taking your date seriously.
Dating in Medellin
Knowing your way around Medellin is an absolute plus when you’re on a date. Even better when you know how to operate like a true local.
Most Colombian women like foreign men who can easily adapt to their culture. This makes them a lot more appealing as a future partner.
If you want to be able to charm the ladies of Medellin, you have to do it right. You can’t dive head first without knowing anything about the place.
When you’re well educated and informed, dating in Medellin can be a thrill and a joy.